Take a look at this boy -- he is the youngest in our big family: Matthew Sykes. Take a look at his little face. You can see it! He is content and secure. Right now, there is nowhere he would rather be than in his Dad's or his Mom's arms.
Nobody on this earth loves Matthew nearly as much as do his mother and father. He is their flesh and blood and there is nothing they would not do for his benefit, safety, and comfort if they had the means to do it.
As he gets older, he will become more independant. He will start making decisions for himself. He already protests when something interesting (but potentially dangerous) is removed from his reach or his grasp. More and more he will be wanting his own way. And his parents will give it to him as often as it is wise to do so. (Not to say they won't make mistakes, but they will always do for him what they believe is right.)
To the rest of our grandsons and grandaughters: YOU are loved just like that! And, like Matthew, you want your own way. Granted, you are wiser than he in a lot of ways. But ALL of your life (no matter if you are MY age), you will need good and godly advice. Why? Because NONE of us are perfect. The Bible says that ALL have sinned. And when we take an honest look at ourselves, we know that is true.
None of you are parents yet, but many or most of you will have the responsibility of a child or children of your own someday. When that day comes, you will have a more complete understanding of just HOW MUCH you mean to your parents. Your parents -- especially if they are Christians -- love you more than their very lives. (Uncle Jonathan once said that he never knew how MUCH his parents loved him until after Robert was born.) They will NEVER ask you to do anything or forbid you from doing anything unless they believe it is for your safety or for your benefit in some other way. Please determine in your heart (even if you are in your late teens or twenties) to take their advice and counsel very seriously. You know, I STILL want to know what Grammie Ruth thinks about decisions that I am facing. She still wants the best for me and I want to profit from her years of wisdom.
Today I want to share some words from the Bible -- written by King Solomon under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Read them, think about them, and profit from the words of a man who was given wisdom by God (after he prayed and asked for it). That is a GOOD prayer for all of us. In fact, the Bible says that if we LACK wisdom to ask God for it and He will GIVE it.
Here you go: "Good friend, follow your father's good advice;
don't wander off from your mother's teachings.
Wrap yourself in them from head to foot;
wear them like a scarf around your neck.
Wherever you walk, they'll guide you;
whenever you rest, they'll guard you;
when you wake up, they'll tell you what's next.
For sound advice is a beacon,
good teaching is a light,
moral discipline is a life path." (Proverbs 6:20-23 from The Message)
One last word: your grandfather and I are praying for you -- and often by NAME.
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