Most of our grandchildren have been homeschooled and/or attended Christian schools -- some exclusively. In our family, Valerie was the pioneer in education at home for her children. (So here they are.) I have learned so much from this experience and have some random opinions and observations to share with you about what I see in our home-schooled grandchildren. 1) The "students" seem to be as comfortable with young children and older people as they are with their peers. 2) Their language is more polished and less rude than that of their counterparts in the traditional school setting. 3) Home school education is more than academics. It includes experiences and adventures in many arenas, extending beyond the home and into the community. 4) Children are more free to pursue their personal interests. For example, a simple question from them often leads to a video or an activity they may not otherwise enjoy. 5) Parents can spend less money on wardrobes and school supplies. At home, it may be possible to wear your "jammies" to your first class -- and sharing equipment and text books is common. 6) Family values and the Bible do not have to be put aside during school. 7) Study times and class times are flexible. For example, if a family chooses not to take the summer off or observe all of the holidays the schedule is not rigid.
When children in our family go to public school, this does not mean that very important learning does not occur at home. ALL of our grandchildren have Christian parents who are eager and faithful in teaching them the most important lessons of life -- so in that sense, all of them are homeschooled! We are thankful for the life lessons that all of you are learning in your homes.
Grandchildren, the most important lessons of your life are the ones that help prepare you for eternity. It is our prayer that each and every one of you will be born again into God's family. As His sons and daughters (His princes and princesses), you have the privilege to hear the wonderful lessons from the Bible that will be used by the Holy Spirit to form you into people who are becoming more and more like Jesus in the way you think, in the way you behave, and in the way you feel. You will be learning to serve God and others with the special gifts and talents that God has given to you. When we see you maturing in that way, our hearts are FULL and our cups run over! We love you!
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