Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Just Talking About Mothers and Love

This past Sunday was Mother's Day 2012 and I just want to say how blessed I am to be coming upon my 69th birthday and still have my Mom. I wondered how many people still have their mothers at my age, so I looked up the oldest living Mother/Daughter pairs. It was amazing to find that the oldest known mother (Sarah Knaus) and and daughter were 119 and 96 when the mother died. After reading that, I concluded that my mother and I are highly unlikely to break the world record (not that I thought we were about to do so).

This year my Mother's heart was touched by love messages. Two of them were sent to me on facebook and . . . well, they made me cry. I want to preserve them here so that when I need comfort and encouragement they can be found readily. You may read them if you wish:

This one is from Marcia:
Mom, Happy Mothers Day! Thank you for your love, thank you for teaching me about the True and Living God as the only way to inherit eternal life, thank you for being an example of someone who strives to walk with Jesus, and thank you for the advise you give....if only I had taken your advise at the age of 18--but when I was hurt because of my choices, you WERE there waiting for me years later to give me more sound advise, you forgave me as Christ does, and you love me in spite of it all--THANK YOU------oh, and I think you are such a classy Christian woman-who wouldn't want to just hang out with you? Have a great day, Mom!
The reply was from my very heart:

Ahhh ... Marcia R. Buza, I can truly say that you have blessed my life over and over and you still do. As for the detour, that sadly happens in many lives. But let us take this opportunity to say without question that God is faithful to forgive, restore, and use us in His Kingdom. I am so GLAD to see that in you. I love you, dear daughter, and pray this is a very good Mother's Day for you, as well.

The other facebook message(s) came from Bethany and I cherish them, too:
Mom ~ Happy Mother's Day to the most wonderful mom in all the world! :) I am so blessed that God choose to put me into your loving arms. You have been such a wonderful influence in my life. I would not be the person I am today without your love, support, understanding, forgiveness, and your tender loving heart. I love you my dear sweet Momma.
The tearful reply: Thank you SO much, Bethany Buza Sykes! And I am so thankful that God sent you into my arms. What a sweet, little bundle you were (what happened to you, LOL). No, seriously, I am very blessed to have you in my life. . . please pass the tissues because you made me cry!! I love you, honey.
The reponse? I love you so very much! You are my greatest teacher! You mean the world to me! (tissues passed)
Grandchildren, I made this blog for me -- to remember and cherish the love that was poured out on me a couple of days ago. But if you are reading this, please keep a couple of things in mind:
#1: Your mother will be one of your best friends for your whole life, even when you go through an inevitable time when you question that fact or don't believe it at all.
#2: If you have a Christian mother, she will not stop praying for you. She will do everything within her power to help you and care for you. She will rejoice in your triumphs and will weep over your sorrows.
#3: Your mother loves you MORE than her very own life. There is nothing she would not give or do if she believes it is for your good.
#4: Sometimes being a mother is a very hard job. But when she hears things like I heard from the letters, phone calls, facebook messages, and card that I got on Sunday she knows it's worth it! It's worth every tear, every hard job.
#5: For the Christian woman, being a mother is a HIGH calling and is filled with blessings.
LOVE your mother and let her know it! When you are a parent you will start to understand how much she loves YOU...

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