Uncle Kevin Buza with Emily and Joshua |
But she grew up to be one of the fairest ladies in all the land. And one day she met a charming prince. He put a ring on her finger and asked her to marry him. Of course, she said YES.
The King's father and mother wondered, "where did all the years go?" And they began to think that grandchildren grow up more quickly than children do.
Jeannie, Emily, Cousin Heather, and Great Aunt Carla |
Last month there was a delightful Bridal Tea at Stephen's and Jeannie's house. We enjoyed lovely refreshments together. It was a time for celebrating love and a time to be thankful for family, especially the new family that is just now beginning.
Great Grammie Ruth was at the tea! We are thankful. |
There are a few thoughts that we could share. First, in your marriage and in your home there is One who is more important than you are. The One who can hold you together, loving each other in the tough times and in the good times is Jesus. Remember how GOD brought Eve to Adam and the two became one. Someone said that when God looks at a married couple, he sees ONE, not two.
Here are some things for all of our grandchildren to consider as you become adults and as most of you will probably be married. Number ONE priority. Marry a Christian who has the same beliefs and values as you. Pray and ask GOD to direct you to the person that HE has in mind for you. Grampie and I could both see how God brought us together. Once you are married, remember that true LOVE is a choice, not just a mushy feeling. When you are committed to someone and know that God brought you together it only makes sense that this is for a lifetime.
Never neglect your marriage. Worship together. Read your Bible. Pray. Talk about the Lord and your faith. If you can carry a tune, sing together. Hold hands. Say "I love you". It doesn't cost much to be kind, but that is one of the greatest gifts you can give each other. In times of sorrow, cry together and hug each other. In times of joy, laugh together. Keep on dating all of your life. Respect each other. Be quick to apologize and quick to forgive. You are two different people and there will be times you don't see eye to eye. It's a good thing to discuss those differences because both of you have things you can learn from each other. And if God blesses you with children, teach them from the Bible and show them what it means to know and love the Lord.
When you walk with GOD in your marriage, you can live happily ever after!
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