Wednesday, June 12, 2013

A Happy Day For Grammie Ruth

Jamey Watson Wearing Grampie's "Drill Hat"

All of us were looking forward to the well drilling day at our camp -- but none more than Mom.

The big day came and it was a nice temperature and sunny. Jamey and James arrived with the big well rig and the truck of equipment and supplies. Jamey was wearing Grampie's felt drill hat and was dressed in the blue bib overalls that were part and parcel of who Grampie was. He even had a red bandana handkerchief hanging from his hip pocket. Jamey is more like Grampie in build and temperament than any of the other grandchildren. One thing: Jamey was wearing sneakers and Grampie always wore boots. But what fun it was greeting him and learning about well drilling and the special challenge that our gravel was for the driller.

Grammie Ruth and Heather
As we all watched and listened to the preparations someone said, "LOOK! You aren't going to believe this." But somehow I KNEW that Mom must be heading up the hill to see what was happening. Sure enough! Heather was walking along with her, carrying a stool in case Mom got weak or tired and had to sit down. But she did just fine. My remarkable ninety-one year old mother made it up the relatively long incline, thrilled to pieces that she was going to watch the process. We were amazed! Not only did she walk UP the hill, but a few hours later she walked back to her house. All of us were so happy for her that she was able to do this. After all, this well operation represented much of her own life and history.

I have to mention that when Brian arrived on his John Deere lawn tractor, he was teased quite appropriately for riding to the site when his mother walked! Brian enjoyed the process on Monday with us and recalled the time when he worked with the guys on the drill. Quite a number of family and friends had their stint working on the drill over the years.

Fascinating But HARD Work!
The guys -- Jamey and James -- worked very hard at everything necessary to simply give us access to fresh well water at our camp. But as hard as they worked, there was always time for a smile, a little laughter, and some kind words.  A couple of times I asked Jamey if there was a charge for the entertainment. We and they really DID have a good time.

As for me, this was a time to appreciate anew all of God's blessings and to realize again that the things we so often take for granted are not so easily gained in this life. Our grandparents and our parents modeled a great work ethic to us. They really sacrificed much and worked very hard to provide for us as we were growing up. But above and beyond the material and physical provisions, we were given a rich spiritual heritage by people who lived decent, honest, and godly examples before us. Let's not forget to be thankful, for we are rich, indeed! 

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