Wednesday, June 12, 2013

More Than Water

Camp "Ruthie Girl"
Our Family Lakeshore Retreat is being built on property that has belonged to Mom since 1957. From her childhood on, our grandfather's term of endearment for her was "My Ruthie Girl". So that is how "Camp Ruthie Girl" got its name.

One of our first celebrations at the camp came in June of 2013 when Watson Wells dug our well. We needed water -- but this well represents MORE than water. Its drilling was a historic moment for us. It is a deep shaft filled with water but it is special to us because it carries the mark of family history and brings to some of us memories of people and events that will always be cherished.

The Watsons: Jim and Margaret; Ellery and Muriel; Ruth, Iola, Lawrence
Watson Wells was founded by my great grandfather, James "Jim" Watson in 1905. The first drilling rig was a steam operated machine that ran on steel rims over the dirt highway. My grandfather Ellery H. Watson was only ten when that operation began, but over the years he learned the science of well drilling and dug many water wells along with other endeavors that included farming, guiding, and automotive mechanics. He was a man of many talents and meticulous about everything that he did. When he wasn't on the job, he was maintaining his tools and equipment or even darning his socks. He was never an idle man.

Drill in Use Since 1985

Watson Wells is now in the hands of the fourth and fifth generations of Watson men. Grammie Ruth worked for many years for the company as a secretary and book keeper -- a position she held until she was 85 years old.  After Uncle Lawrence retired, my cousins Jamey and Oral ran the business and Mom had an amazingly good time working with them.

Oral's son James now works with Jamey and they are the two who arrived with their rig and set to work drilling our well at Camp Ruthie Girl.
Now we have water for the camp -- but we have more than water. This project gave us occasion to savor our memories of family and enjoy the company of our cousins as they worked. And we had some nice fellowship as Christians together.

It was GREAT!

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