Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Lessons From Life

Several years ago, I was asked to write down the important lessons I have learned in life. Here is what I said at the time:

1. The LORD loves me and He is concerned with every, little detail of my life.
2. Even if we have only a tiny amount of faith He will honor our trust and bless us abundantly.
3. Don't "sweat the small stuff". In other words, try to think "what difference is this going to make in a hundred years?" Much of it doesn’t matter, so try and focus on what does.
4. There is joy in serving Jesus.
5. Family is SO important! I’m so blessed.

While all of that is true, I think the list was made to look pretty. Only the positive lessons were shared. Now on reviewing it, I've thought of others:
6. I have not "arrived".  As the years pass, it is becoming abundantly clear that life is not long enough to "make me what I ought to be".  That initial list was TRUE, but the question that remains is this: how much of that have I REALLY learned?
7. No experience in life is ever wasted! In times of grief and pain, there is the temptation to wonder, "is it worth it?" The resounding answer is "YES". Through the troubles and challenges of life, character is formed. Those times can make a person more patient, more understanding, more compassionate, more focused on what is truly important in life, and more loving, and less selfish. This may sound odd, but the necessary suffering of life is to be valued, cherished! The Bible says to "count it all joy" when we fall into trials and temptations. Why? Because God is there to love us, to strengthen us to overcome for His glory and to continue making us into the image of the Lord Jesus!

And there is more . . . so much more, until this life is over. Until then, He is "the Potter" and I am "the clay".  He is working in my life. He is preparing me for my Heavenly home. Then and only then will I be what I "ought to be". Then and only then will there be perpetual joy and peace. Hallelujah!

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