As we look to a New Year, it is impossible for us to know where we will be on December 31, 2011. We do not know the joys and sorrows that will come our way in the meantime. Even so, Christians can remain totally confident that no matter what circumstances we face on this earth in 2011, we have a future and a blessed hope that extend for ever and ever beyond this life.
This belief in our future life is not a new idea. In Hebrews chapter 11--termed the "Faith Chapter of the Bible" -- is an account of a man who lived about 5,000 years ago. It says that God promised him a new land. The Book of Genesis recounts how God called Abram (Abraham) to leave his city called Ur (probably in Iraq) and move to the land that we now know as Israel. It was probably a hard trip. There was no "Google Earth" or "Map Quest" and there were no four-lane highways. There was no way to text-message his family and friends to keep them up to the minute on his trip. It was a journey into the unknown, but Abraham believed God and trusted His promise. He willingly followed God, not knowing anything about Canaan. But his hope went beyond this world and his circumstances! In his heart, he knew that his new geographical location would not be his final destination. Here is part of what that that faith chapter tells us about Abraham's life:
"Even when [Abraham] reached the land God promised him, he lived there by faith—for he was like a foreigner, living in tents. And so did Isaac and Jacob, who inherited the same promise. Abraham was confidently looking forward to a city with eternal foundations, a city designed and built by God."
Abraham was certainly looking forward to Heaven! And so am I. There is an old song that says, "This world is not my home, I'm just-a passin' through." Your Grandma Buza believed that, too. She agreed with the Bible, that tells us the Christian's "citizenship is in Heaven". Here, in one of her many poems, you can get a glimpse of Grandma's thoughts on that topic:
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