Monday, February 13, 2012

Growing Old With No Children Is Lonely!

When I was a young mother, I worked at the old Lincoln Hospital for a week while the hospital administrator / medical technologist (one and only) went on the first vacation he had taken in many years. Grammie Ruth kept Valerie and Stephen and your Grampie worked in Machias that week.

There wasn't much lab work to do in that tiny hospital with a nursing home wing. So when I finished my lab work for the day I went to the nursing home to do some volunteer work as companion to patients who had no visitors. One woman was around ninety. She had never married and had no children. She was sad and lonely. I combed her hair and talked to her and she loved the attention. She showed me a picture of herself and three other people. They had come to see her, but she didn't know who they were. The nurses told me they wanted a picture and had never been there before or since. Sad!

Our family has been SO blessed with children -- beautiful children! We are thankful for every one of you. We believe that YOU are God's gifts to us. And we hope to never be lonely in our old age.

This is Samuel Buza giving his Mom a kiss.
The love of a child is precious beyond words.
And this boy KNOWS he is loved and cherished by his parents.

The Bible tells us to bring our children up in the "nurture and admonition of the Lord".  It also says that if we train a child in the way he should go that when he is old, he will not depart from it. We are thankful that our sons and daughters are parents who share their faith and the love of God with our grandchildren. Here Jonathan is teaching Robert -- a boy who loves to learn from his parents.

The song goes, "How sweet to hold a newborn baby. . ." And it is!  Each and every one is precious -- and special in some wonderful way. Kyle is quiet, but very tender hearted. He never forgets to give us a "hello hug" when we see him. When he was in elementary school, he wrote a paper about his future and at that time he thought he ought to be a missionary to New York or some other place (I forgot which state it was). What I do hope is that no matter WHERE he and his siblings and cousins go they will remember to tell others about the God who loves them! What a blessing to think about grandchildren becoming men and women of God.

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