Monday, October 11, 2010


Dear Grandchildren,

This blog is for you -- all about family. You all like stories of family, so here we go!

Why start with the day Jonathan came home from the hospital? Well, the answer is simple. It's a cute picture and the first one I came across when I started to look for something to share with you!

This picture was taken in the kitchen of our Marshfield house. Grammie Ruth and Grampie Jim stayed with "the kids" while I was in the Machias hospital. She had them all washed, dressed, and combed to welcome me back home and to welcome their new brother into the family.

The big sister had lost a couple of teeth! Kevin was "Mr. Shy Man". Marcia was so cute in her slightly-too-short tights. And Stephen was proud as punch! Of course, it would be almost three years before Bethany joined our family -- but weren't they all sweet?

Your grandfather, too.


  1. Don't the pictures and the writing bring back a flood of memories. You can interrupt "flood" in any way you want.

  2. I remember minding the hardware store in Monticello so that Grammie and Grampie could be in Marshfield. And, I remember Grammie Muriel calling to tell me that baby Jonathan had arrived. I was pretty excited to be an uncle AGAIN!
