Monday, October 11, 2010

It Is A Love Story!

This is a love story. It is about your grandparents. It starts out with God's love for them. He had a plan for them. They didn't know what it was. There was no way they could know that His plan was for them to spend a lifetime together. In fact, they didn't even know about each other. But God knew them both. He knew where they were. He knew their names. He knew their hearts! 

THEY were both brought up by Christian parents and both trusted in Jesus as their  Savior at an early age. They BOTH wanted God's will in their lives.  They knew they should date and marry another Christian. So that was a commitment they made.

But HE was in New York and SHE was in Maine. They had never even heard of each other when they BOTH decided to go to Boston to study laboratory technology. That was in the fall of 1961.

At school, the instructor assigned them to be lab partners. Day after day they worked side-by-side. Little did they know back then that they would continue to work side-by-side for most of their laboratory years until they retired in 2009!

But more than that, they were partners in marriage, in parenthood, in ministry, and in retirement. Their children and YOU grandchildren have always been among their dearest treasures. You are worth far more than you can even imagine -- worth more to us than our very lives!

And the love story goes on ... between the two of us and extends out to all of YOU! God has a plan for YOU, too. Trust Him and see it unfold! We are praying for YOU.

Top left picture above: taken at the Machias Valley Christian School in the 1980s. Top right picture was taken the day we were officially engaged (ring on hand). Middle left -- in the 1970s; next photo just a few days after Stephen and Jeannie were married (1991); Next was at Grammie Ruth's and Grampie Jim's the night before we were married (1963); Bottom left -- 1980s; Bottom right - 25th anniversary celebration - 1988.


  1. I feel kind of like an intruder as I read these blogs. I'm not one of the grandkids, but I love you all even if I am just an old uncle. I am so grateful to my dear sister, your grandmother, for these memories...and to my brother, your grandfather, for all of the richness and love he has brought into our family.

  2. Well, brother! You are NOT an intruder reading these stories and I LOVE reading your comments. There was no intent to leave anyone out -- but to write the stories for the next generation. Your kids and grandkids are welcome to follow along, too.
