The video was about a tribe of people from Papua, Indonesia. This tribal group had never been able to read the Bible for themselves because it had never been translated into their language. But the wondrous day had come and all of the village was gathered about an air strip where New Testaments would finally be delivered to them. Villagers were dancing and displaying feathers and other finery. Excitement mounted as the plane approached, landed, and taxied to a halt. Two men sedately approached the plane and received the cases of God's Word in their language. An elder offered a prayer of thanksgiving. What an amazing scene! The entire village celebrated!
During an interview, one woman spoke of the blessing of being able to read the Bible to her children and her grandchildren. She said that after the adults are all gone, the children will be able to share the Bible with their children as well. What an invaluable inheritance they now have for their families.
How about us? We have many Bibles in our homes. Our parents, grandparents, and great grandparents always had access to the Bible in English. Other forebears speaking different languages (German, French, Spanish, Austrian, etc) were also privileged to have the Bible available to them. Do we cherish the Bible? Are we thankful we have this spiritual bread to nourish our souls? Or do we take this wonderful privilege for granted? People were burned at the stake and imprisoned so that WE could hold this precious book in our hands and read it with our own eyes.
As symbols of this blessing, I have been putting together some Scripture with family pictures as a symbol of the grace of God toward us. Grandchildren and others, we ought to be excited that WE have this Word for daily feasting!
Would you think about these verses and meditate on the beauty of the Bible and on the life that God wants to give each one of us.
Ask the Lord to give you wisdom and understandting so that you can know and
do His will. And thank HIM for the incredible gift of having the Bible in English. And the ability to read and understand it.
Gramp and I will probably not have much in the way of material goods to leave behind when we die and go to Heaven. But we want to leave you something that is way more valuable.
It is our greatest desire that we will be faithful in teaching you and showing you the wondrous grace of God. We hope you come to the place of trusting the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior and that you will live for Him in the now and in the forever.
The things of this world are just temporary, but the life of Christ is forever -- it is eternal. We know Him, His salvation, His love, and the joy of living in the light of His glory, we wait for Heaven. We pray that our family will all join us there!
Keep watching! You will appear on this blog eventually -- all of you.