Saturday, March 17, 2012

More From Our Family Gallery

Kelsey at Port Jervis, NY
Gramp and I can tell you for certain that the happiest moments of our lives are when we are paying attention to the LORD and obeying what we know He has for us. Living within God's will is not complicated or mysterious. We believe it is a matter of paying attention to the Bible, trusting the Lord, and praying over everything. We believe the Lord will give us opportunities to serve Him and He will give us peace about His will and His way.
Hope and Rachel Scrapbooking at Our House
People do not have to wait until they are grown up to follow Jesus. God has given children an amazing ability to have faith in Him. That is, they trust the Lord and believe what He says. They don't need a lot of explanations of where, why, and how. They take God at His word and trust that what He says is true. God wants all of us to be that way, from the youngest to the oldest. He wants all of us to trust that He knows best. After all, God has given each one of us life. He knows us far better than we know ourselves.

Heather Pours Drinks For Her Sisters at Delavan
One way to do the will of God is to simply help others. Even a child can do that.  Just serving a little sibling as Heather is doing in this picture prepares a person to do more acts of service as they grow up. We believe Heather has a heart of a servant. Her opportunity to help the handicapped did not begin recently. It grew over a lifetime of being faithful to help others around her. And that is something everyone can do.

Kristen Prepares Breakfast at Home
Serving others cheerfully is one thing we will do as we grow to be more and more like Jesus. We know from reading the Bible that He came to this earth to serve. In the New Testament we read about Him healing the sick, feeding the hungry, raising the dead, and teaching the truth. The main thing He did was come to this earth to die on the cross for sinners.

Jesus did not look forward to the suffering part, but he willingly gave Himself to be sacrified on the cross in order to satisfy the debt that we owe to God for our sin. The penalty was death and He paid it -- he paid it ALL because He loves us. Read John 3:16 and be reminded of how wonderful the love of Jesus is to US.

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