Monday, March 19, 2012

We Are Depending on YOU!

Joshua Buza
We really ARE depending on you, our grandchildren. You are the ones who will go and bring a new generation. You are the ones who will carry our family history. And most of all, we are depending on YOU to stand firm in the faith that we have tried to teach and demonstrate to you. 

You guys will be fathers to our great grandchildren. You ladies will be mothers to them. And lying before you is a great responsibility to love and teach those that God sends to bless your home.

We pray, too, that you will devote your lives thoroughly to Christ and His gospel. We pray that others will see Jesus in you and that they will trust in Him as their Lord and Savior.

Timothy Harmon
The Bible says that if we live for the Lord Jesus there are people who are not going to like it. This world system does not want the Lord God in it and has no desire to acknowledge Him in any way. Christians are very often not respected and are hated for the sake of the Lord they love. Don't cave in -- don't deny the Lord in order to be more comfortable in this world. This is not your home. Heaven is! Don't forget you are a citizen of Heaven.
Kyle Harmon
Just as this verse on Kyle's picture says, it is a GOOD thing to live the way God asks us to live. If we live a clean and holy life, there are people who may not like it. But there are rewards to having a clean conscience. And there are rewards to being able to go to bed and know you haven't broken laws or that you have not made enemies. But more than that, GOD has offered a forever home to those who love Him! I look forward to it.

Caleb DuBois
Of course, Caleb, you are not one of the grandsons. But you've been almost like one! And you have been friends with these three guys. Now you are far away and we aren't sure when we might see you again. But we know this: we might easily be next door neighbors in our Father's house! Jesus has gone to prepare a place for us. I cannot imagine how wonderful it will be. We depend on you, too, to carry the Good News to others all of your life.

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