This is a picture of Grandpa Buza and his three sons: Uncle Joel, Uncle Carlin, and Grampie Wayne. It looks like these guys were all dressed up and ready to go to Church.
Grampie thinks this was taken at some point before they went to Guatemala (around 1947) as missionaries. Perhaps this picture was taken in 1945, but Grampie doesn't know where -- perhaps Butler Hill, Pennsylvania or Austinburg, New York. Grandpa was pastor of Baptist Churches in both towns at the same time.
We found sermon notes for Father's Day and just decided to pair it up with this picture. We are not sure where or when it was preached. I hope you enjoy your Great Grandfather's teaching and that you profit from his wisdom. I remember how I loved to hear him preach and how we loved to ask him questions. He loved to answer our questions and we value everything that he taught us.
This sermon is based on text in I John.
The Bible has always been the final authority for all subjects and so when we find this statement twice in this same chapter that the writer has written to the fathers "because they have known Him which was from the beginning," it behooves us to consider why. Therefore the Lord has led us to the five things about the Father in heaven that the fathers of the Apostle John’s time knew about our Heavenly Father, which every father today should know about Him. Turn with me to the first chapter where we find the first thing fathers should know about God our Father that they might teach their children.
I. First is I John chapter one verse 2, where we find they knew and had seen -- for it was manifested to them -- the Eternal Life that is in Jesus Christ, God’s Son.
A. Father, you must first know about and experience this life to lead your children to Heaven.
B. Know that Eternal Values are with and in Christ to pass them on.
C. Know Christ yourself to be able to present Him to others.
II. Verse three gives us the second fact that they knew about the Heavenly Father as fathers.
A. Fellowship was possible with God.
B. Fellowship with men of Apostolic character was possible.
C. This was made possible by walking in the Light.
III. Chapter two and verse one gives us our third fact about their knowledge of the Heavenly Father [He gave us an advocate].
A. Saints could sin -- 1:8
B. Saints had sinned -- 1:10
C. That Jesus Christ was our advocate before the Father to plead:
1. Our case before Him.
2. His Blood as the price paid for our cleansing.
3. Our confession as the ground for His Advocacy.
IV. The fourth fact about their knowledge of our Heavenly Father was "The manner of LOVE the Father had bestowed upon us".
A. Unfeigned love.
B. Everlasting love.
C. Enduring love.
V. The last fact that the fathers knew about our Heavenly Father was "the Father’s record in heaven."
A. It was backed by the Word of God.
B. It was substantiated by the Holy Spirit.
C. The record was they had the Son, therefore they had life.
CONCLUSION: Fathers, if you never know any more about God the Father than this and are faithful in teaching your children these facts about God, you will have given a clear cut testimony for Him to your loved ones and God will honor you with your children’s souls.
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