Sunday, November 7, 2010

A Most Endearing Quality

The main text here was from your great Grandma Buza's journal and was written when she was 89 years old. At that time she was a resident of the Embassy Health Care facility in Wilmington, Illinois. This was just a block or so from Uncle Joel's and Aunt Midge's home. The nursing home was her mission field. She had great relationships with the other residents and with members of the public who had known her from long years past when Grandpa was the pastor at the Custer Park Baptist Church.

In this entry, she made reference to how she always preferred dresses. I think one of her most endearing qualities was how she always dressed like a lady -- beautiful, modest attire. She wore well coordinated dresses with accessories and unless she had gardening in her plans, she really was usually in a dress. Grandpa loved the way she dressed!  Too many young women -- and older ones, too -- dress in styles that are unfeminine or immodest. Gramp and I both love to see a beautiful young lady with well-done hair, natural-looking makeup, and modest clothing. They look clean, attractive, and self confident.

We heard a TV program about a year ago where younger and older guys were talking about the way women and girls dress and how their preference was to modest attire. One 17-year old guy said how much he appreciates girls who care enough to dress in a way that does not make him uncomfortable. Beautiful, modest dress will endear a girls to a guy who really cares about them. Ask Gramp! Ask your Dad!

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