Friday, November 12, 2010

Kevin, Barbara, and Their Girls

"Unless the Lord builds a house, the work of the builders is wasted". Psalm 127:1(NLT)

We praise the Lord and are in awe of His amazing grace. Our hearts are filled with thanksgiving when we remember that all of our children are followers of the Lord Jesus. All of them have a deep longing in their hearts for their children to know, love, and serve the Lord. This is our prayer, as well.

Kevin and Barbara live in Ellsworth on a quiet road along the Union River. Besides their regular jobs, the two of them team up to work with Barbara's art. The background above is only a small portion of a series of large (about 6 ft) paintings on silk depicting Biblical scenes. Barb does the art work and Kevin does the computer work necessary for their work producing T-shirts, greeting cards, and other items.

They have three lovely daughters and we are thankful for all three. Ashley is studying in New Brunswick to be a nurse. Nadean attends Ellsworth High School and is a guitarist. Hope is in Christian School in Ellsworth (and she loves to win at Uno and Skip Bo). 

We were all so blessed that the Lord opened the way for Barbara and Kevin to travel to Beijing and adopt Hope Jing Xin when she was nearly four. We thought it was very precious that Nadean gave her little sister the name "Hope". And certainly, she was hoped for! Is there a greater mission than providing a loving Christian home to a beautiful girl who may not ever have heard the name of Jesus otherwise?

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