Saturday, November 13, 2010

Marcia and Her Girls

Doing these pages of our children and grandchildren is a real blessing. It gives me the opportunity to focus on each precious family and to give thanks for the people they are -- and to petition the Lord for their needs. What a wonderful thought it is to focus on the fact that God has promised us that He will supply ALL of our needs according to His riches in glory. And it is good to know that NOTHING can come into our lives without God's plan and permission -- even those things that we do not understand. Every one of us could share time and again about the wonderful blessings of God's love, mercy, and grace in our lives.

This is Marcia and her two girls. Marcia has been a single mother for around seven years and has seen many struggles and trials over that time. The Lord has blessed her with the health and ability to work at a full time job and a part time job. And he has provided for her in amazing ways. Right now she is a medical office assistant at a practice in Bucksport and she works part time as a certified pharmacy technician at Maine Coast Hospital in Ellsworth. She and the girls live on a very pretty piece of property that she purchased in Winterport.

Erika is a senior in high school (where does the time go). Her special interests are American Sign Language and she plans to make that her major in college. She has also studied culinary arts and makes some pretty cakes. Amber is in the seventh grade and works hard at her studies, likes to read, loves her youth group, and is a great helper at home. Marcia is getting ready to become a member of the Church of the Open Door in Hampden. She loves the teaching and fellowship at that Church and particularly the small group that meets weekly.

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